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619.925.7087La Jolla Foreclosures
Get a free La Jolla Foreclosures List
Depending on the area of La Jolla that you are searching, you can find some good deals on Foreclosures. In areas where there are many bank owned properties you can find good deals. In areas where there are not many Foreclosures, the banks command market value.
About Denay Trinidad, La Jolla Realtor
Real Estate is my passion. I choose to use my time and energy to build a relationship with each client, not just do a transaction. Each client's real estate situation is unique. Your real estate needs; including residential sales and purchasing, residential leasing and income properties are important to me. You will benefit from my exceptional knowledge of the local market and my focus on finding buyers the perfect property or netting sellers the right price and in the right amount of time. As a Certified Previews International Specialist, I am very qualified to sell properties that fall under the Luxury market.
More About Denay Trinidad, La Jolla Realtor

More About Denay Trinidad, La Jolla Realtor
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